Peugeot rend hommage à Columbo
Internet haut-débit via le satellite KA-SAT d'Eutelsat
Libellés : Eutelsat, Haut débit, Internet, KA-SAT, Technologie
The Growing Link Between MDM & BPM
Red on :
"Organizations are citing improved business processes and better performance management as two of the top reasons to invest in master data management (MDM), according to new research from Gartner Inc.
Gartner surveyed 300 end user organizations ahead of its recent Master Data Management Summit in Los Angeles and found that the somewhat difficult-to-define link between business process management (BPM), MDM and corporate performance management (CPM), is becoming a topic of interest for data management professionals. Gartner says 49% of survey respondents cited process improvements as the key business priority driving interest in MDM."
Spotify arrive aux US le 14 juillet
Qu'est-ce que le NoSQL ?
Libellés : Bases de données, Big Data, Data, Database, NoSQL
SuperHeavy, le nouveau groupe de Mick Jagger
G+ changera-t-il nos usages des médias sociaux?
Google Plus
Big Data : The Next Frontier for Innovation, Competition and Productivity
Libellés : Big Data, Data, Data Management, Données, McKinsey, Tendance
- Create Transparency by making big data more easily accessible to relevant stakeholders ;
- Improve performance : collect more accurate and detailed performance data on everything (products, customers, ...) ;
- Create specific segmentations in order to customize appropriate actions ;
- Support human decisions using sophisticated analytics and automated algorithms :
- Innovate : Big data enables companies to create new products and services, or enhace existing ones.
Big data are datasets that grow so large that they become awkward to work with using on-hand database management tools. Difficulties include capture, storage, search, sharing, analytics, and visualizing. This trend continues because of the benefits of working with larger and larger datasets allowing analysts to "spot business trends, prevent diseases, combat crime." Though a moving target, current limits are on the order of terabytes, exaytes, and zettabytes od data. Scientists regularly encounter this problem in meterology, genomics, complex physics simulations, biological and environmental research, Internet search, finance and business informatics. Data sets also grow in size because they are increasingly being gathered by ubiquitous information-sensing mobile devices, aerial sensory technologies software logs, cameras, microphones, RFID readers, wireless sensor networks and so on.
Dernier vol pour Atlantis
Libellés : Atlantis, Espace, Histoire, Incroyable, Science
2015 : L’ère du Zettabyte
Via Le journal du Geek
200 millions de messages par jour sur Twitter
[logos] Et si Facebook devenait Twitter et Google devenait Yahoo ?
Source : Graphisme & Interactivité par Geoffrey Dorne