World Wonders Project by Google

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From the archaeological areas of Pompeii to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial, Google's World Wonders Project aims to bring to life the wonders of the modern and ancient world. Together with partners including UNESCO, the World Monument Fund and Cyark, the World Wonders Project is preserving the world heritage sites for future generations.

Open Data : où en est-on en France ?

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Intéressante synthèse issue de l'Open Data Week qui s'est tenue à Nantes du 21 au 26 mai 2012.

Top Internet Trends for 2012

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Top Internet Trends for 2012 according to VC Firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers (KPCB)

Introducing the Knowledge Graph

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Understanding semantic web with Google, that uses now semantic data for the search engine. The Knowledge Graph is a huge collection of the people, places and things in the world and how they're connected to one another. With this technology, Google can get you the best possible answers and help jump start your discovery.

What is Hadoop ?

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Hadoop est un framework Java open source destiné aux applications distribuées et à la gestion de très gros volumes de données (Big Data). De nombreuses entreprises ont adopté Hadoop comme Facebook, Twitter, IBM, LinkedIn, American Airlines, New York Times,...

Taming Big Data

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Intéressante infographie pour tout savoir sur le Big Data en un coup d'oeil.
Taming Big Data | A Big Data Infographic
Via: Wikibon Big Data

SAP publie gratuitement "SAP HANA ESSENTIALS"

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SAP a décidé de publier gratuitement l'ouvrage "SAP HANA ESSENTIALS" sur son site consacré à la solution de base de données en mémoire Hana.

Quelques chapitres seront disponibles d'ici quelques jours sur le site, puis il sera complété au fil du temps, car l'ouvrage n'est pas encore achevé. L'auteur Jeffrey Word explique sa démarche originale de publication ici.

Il sera possible de télécharger l'ouvrage sur les différentes plateformes mobiles comme l'ipad et le Kindle.

D'ores et déjà une première version de la table des matières est disponible.

Using SAP HANA to Detect Crime

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In this award winning SAP 2012 Innojam video, Capgemini Australia's Peter Chapman suggests a scenario called "Detective HANA", in which the in-memory analytics capabilities of SAP HANA are used to detect possible crime suspects based on their cell phone records. 

It uses simulated data based on New South Wales government's crime statistics for the past 15 years and publicly available location information based on cell tower records, to populate data to be analyzed by SAP HANA. 

This demonstrates how potential crime suspects could be identified using the incredible speed of SAP HANA, resulting in higher percentages of crime solved and significant improvements in efficiency.

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