The Rise of Data Science in the Age of Big Data Analytics

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The reason why Big Data is important is because we want to use it to make sense of our world. It's tempting to think there's some "magic bullet" for analyzing big data, but simple "data distillation" often isn't enough, and unsupervised machine-learning systems can be dangerous (Like, bringing-down-the-entire-financial-system dangerous). 

Data Science is the key to unlocking insight from Big Data: by combining computer science skills with statistical analysis and a deep understanding of the data and problem we can not only make better predictions, but also fill in gaps in our knowledge, and even find answers to questions we hadn't even thought of yet.

The Psychology Of Music [Infographic]

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University of Florida Masters in Music Education

Doom And Gloom, le nouveau clip des Rolling Stones

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Le nouveau clip de des Stones "Doom And Gloom" extrait de GRRR! leur compilation anniversaire vient de paraître. La vidéo met en scène l’actrice suédoise Noomi Rapace qui a entre autres joué le rôle de Lisbeth Salander dans la trilogie Millenium.

Discover the SAP HANA Academy

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A simple and powerful way to learn SAP HANA - for both beginners and experts.

SAP 360 Customer for next generation Customer Experience

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Introducing SAP 360 Customer for powering the next generation of Customer Experience with the power of SAP HANA in memory computing platform.

Social Media 2013

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This is the 4th version of the world's most watched social media video series "Social Media Revolution. Written by international keynote speaker and best selling author Erik Qualman (Socialnomics, Digital Leader, Alex Azure & Forbidden Door). This version uses new energetic music.

Big data = big marché

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Du nom du gagnant de l’Eurovision que l’on peut prévoir plusieurs jours à l’avance au suivi en temps réel des épidémies à New York : l’analyse prédictive des données, qui bénéficie d’une force de calcul sans précédent, change notre quotidien. Jusqu’où ce marché gigantesque étendra-t-il ses frontières ?  

Google Cultural Institute: The Fall of the Iron Curtain

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Interview Henri Van Der Vaeren - Directeur Général SAP France

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Interview intégrale du Directeur Général de SAP France, Henri Van Der Vaeren sur les thèmes suivants : SAP, une énergie positive, La stratégie et la mobilité, HANA, l’accélération, « Secure success » et bonnes pratiques et pour finir le nouveau positionnement partenaire.
Interview: Sébastien DAVID © Tous droits réservés IT-expert Magazine – Groupe CAST

Big Data Is No BuzzWord - It's Real

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Why is Big Data so big ? Check out the video below with Sarah Lane and Mike Gualtieri, Principal Analyst with Forrester Research.

Our Story in 1 Minute

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A tapestry of footage tracing the cosmic and biological origins of our species, set to original music.

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