Le Minitel, c'est fini ...

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Le fameux 3615 ferme ses portes. Lancé par France Telecom en 1982, le Minitel sera définitivement abandonné par Orange le 30 juin 2012.

Techniquement et économiquement, ce fut un véritable succès qui marque l'histoire de la technologie et des télécommunications : 20 milliards d'euros de recettes, des innovations majeures comme la prise Péritel, ou la mise au point de l'ADSL (avec Alcatel). 

Malgré un certain nombre d'innovations, Orange n'est pas parvenu - à ce jour - à réitérer l'exploit du Minitel. 

Respect pour les Ingénieurs de cette merveilleuse invention.

La machine de Turing en... Lego !

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Pour célébrer le centenaire du pionnier de l'informatique Alan Turing, huit étudiants en master de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon ont fabriqué un ordinateur entièrement mécanique en Lego. La machine comprend près de 30000 pièces et 50 mètres de tuyaux.

The Turing Machine Comes True par CNRS


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Morceau intitulé "Othello" extrait du prochain album de Chilly Gonzales "Solo Piano II" à paraître cet été.

Les secrets des 5000 blogueurs les plus influents du monde

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La plateforme de blogs Overblog vient de publier une enquête portant sur 5000 blogueurs du monde entier. L'infographie ci-dessous présente la synthèse de cette étude inédite.

SAP Celebrates One-Year Anniversary of SAP HANA With Major Milestones

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Read on SAP Newsroom
PALO ALTO — This week marks the one-year anniversary of the SAP HANA platform becoming generally available. To celebrate this occasion, SAP today announced the launch of the SAP HANA Distinguished Engineer program. The SAP HANA Distinguished Engineer program is a new group of community-driven, hands-on technical professionals focused on promoting SAP HANA expertise in the market. SAP is also honoring major milestones achieved with SAP HANA in the last year at an event being held this morning at SAP Labs in Palo Alto.
“In January, SAP HANA became the fastest-growing technology in SAP history, and this week we are celebrating its first anniversary,” said Dr. Vishal Sikka, member of the SAP Executive Board, Technology & Innovation. “Not only is SAP HANA revolutionizing our industry, it has also shown the power of technology to transform lives. In less than a year, SAP HANA has gained tremendous momentum with more than 350 customers, more than 150 implementations and more than 64,000 end-users. SAP HANA’s delivery of amazing business and technical value would not have been possible without the vision and support from innovative customers, startups and partners who have put their confidence in SAP HANA, but most importantly from an incredible team of warriors, who have done what once seemed impossible, in such a short period of time. SAP HANA is truly the embodiment of our intellectual renewal.”
Over the last year, SAP HANA has achieved major customer achievements and performance milestones[1]. Here are a few of the highlights:
Customer Achievements
  • 354 customers
  • 150+ implemented projects
  • 16 customers with more than 10,000-times performance improvement over disk-based databases
  • More than 64,000 end-users
  • 2,000 Amazon Web Services (AWS) instances
  • 1,791 trained consultants
Product Performance
  • One platform for OLTP and OLAP, structured and unstructured data, fresh data and “big data”
  • No tuning, no indices, no materialized views, no caching
  • 33 SAP solutions powered by SAP HANA
  • 100 TB benchmark on 16 node IBM X5
  • 20-times compression
  • Business warehouse (BW) query: 300-500 milliseconds
  • Ad-hoc query: 800 milliseconds-2 seconds
  • Insert rate: 770,000 records per second
  • Bulk: 1 GB per minute
  • Data services: 2.5 TB per hour
  • Scale out to 500 TB in main memory for real-time processing of “big data”
SAP HANA Distinguished Engineer Program to Foster Innovation, Promote Technical Skills
The SAP HANA Distinguished Engineer program was founded by SAP in collaboration with some of the foremost SAP HANA technologists and Mentors from Bluefin Solutions, Deloitte Consulting, IBM Global Business Solutions and independent consultants. It is open to all developers, database administrators and other SAP HANA technologists who have an interest in pursuing and promoting technical skills in support of SAP HANA-based customer solutions.
“We want to congratulate Vishal and the SAP team on the first anniversary of SAP HANA,” said Vijay Vijayasankar, head of SAP Forward Engineering, IBM Global Business Services. “The traction of SAP HANA in the market this past year is beyond anything else I have seen from SAP in my career. I also want to commend SAP specifically for supporting the fast-growing SAP HANA community – especially with the innovative idea of working closely with a community of SAP HANA experts to keep the skills in the ecosystem on the bleeding edge. This is key to ensure that customers and partners get the maximum benefit of SAP HANA. I am looking forward to even more collaboration and co-innovation with SAP in the future.”
With broad industry and partner support, SAP is committed to fostering innovation not only in software and hardware technology, but also in the growth and development of people and skills. SAP will work closely with program members to ensure skilled technologists stay up to date with the rapid pace of development of SAP HANA. The program will also help members gain access to resources from within SAP and cross-promote their efforts to drive new solutions and best practices based on SAP HANA. More details can be found at www.experienceSAPHANA.com.
To view the live stream of the event in Palo Alto on June 18, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. PDT, visitwww.sapvirtualevents.com/HANA1. To learn more, see a video on SAP HANA, “As We May Work.”
For more information on SAP HANA and in-memory computing technology, visit the Experience SAP HANA website and the SAP Newsroom.

Keith Collins goes in-depth on big data

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In the video below, you'll hear a great explanation from SAS CTO Keith Collins about the benefits of high-performance analytics, and why it's not just about getting answers faster. 

He also tells interviewer Karin Reed which SAS procedures are being optimized for high-performance analytics and provides up dates about big data visualization, cloud computing and other areas that SAS is moving into in the future.

The Deciding Factor : Big Data & Decision Making

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Capgemini commissioned this survey from the Economist Intelligence Unit. 

The objective is to find out more about how organizations are using big data today, where and how it is making a difference, and how it will be used in the future.

We believe it is big data and the outside-in view that will generate the biggest opportunities for differentiation over the next five to ten years."

A deep and very interesting analysis to be red here

Salesforce.com et Twitter annoncent un partenariat stratégique mondial

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Salesforce.com, le leader du cloud computing d’entreprise, et Twitter annoncent aujourd’hui un partenariat stratégique mondial visant à offrir aux clients de Salesforce Radian 6 un accès total au ‘firehose‘ de tweets publics de Twitter.

La combinaison puissante des deux solutions offre aux entreprises la capacité d’analyser plus de 400 millions de tweets générés quotidiennement, d’écouter les avis, et d’interagir avec leurs clients. Ce partenariat se fonde sur une relation existante de plus de 3 ans entre les deux pionniers des réseaux sociaux.

« Twitter a changé la façon dont les gens à travers le monde communiquent et interagissent avec les marques ou dont on communique et interagit avec les marques » déclare Marcel LeBrun, Senior Vice Président  et General Manager Salesforce Radian6.

« Les entreprises attendent de Twitter qu’il les connecte en temps réel avec leurs clients autour des sujets qui leur sont réellement importants. Salesforce sait comment mettre en oeuvre et faciliter ces interactions. » déclare Jana Messerschmidt, Vice Présidente du Business Development, Twitter.

MDM and Data Quality : Not an Option but a Requirement

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Les mathématiques trop présentes dans la finance ?

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L’INPI dévoile ses trésors cachés

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Près de 180 000 archives du 19e siècle accessibles à tous librement.

Le 19e siècle est caractérisé par l’effervescence des nombreuses découvertes et innovations techniques qui ont révolutionné le quotidien. Parce qu’il importe que cette connaissance soit partagée, l’INPI (Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle), garant de la conservation des inventions depuis 1791, ouvre aujourd’hui son coffre-fort et propose un accès en ligne gratuit à son immense collection de brevets du 19e siècle. 

Historiens, chercheurs, mais aussi curieux peuvent désormais consulter en ligne les brevets déposés entre 1791 et 1844 auprès de l’Institut national de la propriété industrielle via un portail en ligne donnant accès aux notices bibliographiques de chaque brevet et aux images numérisées en haute qualité du dossier original. 

Au total, 400 000 notices bibliographiques et 2 500 000 images correspondant aux dossiers originaux manuscrits seront consultables sur cette base de données documentaire d’ici 2015.

What is MapReduce ?

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MapReduce est un framework de développement informatique, introduit par Google, dans lequel sont effectués des calculs parallèles, et souvent distribués, de données potentiellement très volumineuses (> 1 terabyte).


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